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Life natural selection, destiny and the coronavirus


Pandemic Covid-19 is a natural selection of the world's human population, arranged by nature for a number of reasons. These reasons are now being discussed by scientists and bloggers on the Internet, so I will not list them.

Since Nature does not obey the desires and rules written by man. Nature does not pay attention to immunity, vaccines, medicines and other artificially created protective equipment.

All those who are not needed at the present moment to the Nature and to the future are dying and will continue to die. That is, those people who have already fulfilled their life purpose will die from virus infection or die from Covid complications. Or, due to various reasons, they cannot fulfill it in the future.

Note please, that they are the old and the young, the strong and the weak, the sick and the healthy, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Politicians, artists, businessmen who are absolutely useless for the development of the Earth are dying.

It is mainly scientists and schoolchildren who do not die and even often simply do not get sick, whose purpose and importance for the future are obvious.

Therefore, in order to build our behavior in relation to Covid, first of all, we need to feel whether our destiny in this life has been fulfilled.

Science does not use terms such as purpose of the life or life assignment. But science knows exactly where the person's life program is recorded and what controls it.

The human genetic code determines the entire life cycle. This is such a program of human life with all its capabilities, recorded on a hard disk in genetic language. It is implemented or not, depending on external circumstances. As, for example, in a computer, the reasons for the failure of its programs can be operator errors, battery failure, program mismatch with the task, etc. Then the computer is thrown away or the operator changes.

In any case, natural selection is taking place, similar to the one that is happening now with the spikes of the coronavirus.

What can affect the human body's genetic program?

Studying a number of patterns, the scientific community came to the conclusion that the functions of a living organism are not determined by information encoded in genes alone, but in many ways serve as a response to signals from the environment. The way the epigenetically determined switching on and off of certain genes occurs has become one of the important discoveries of our time, for which American researchers were awarded the Nobel Prize.

Epigenetics has also proved that DNA itself is not responsible for the unplanned genetic program of disease and death, but that which controls it.

Emotions, stress, wrong decisions, negative thinking are the regulators of gene behavior.

The human brain is the source of these epigenetic and therefore intracellular processes in the human body.

American biologists have found that without brain signals, immune cells behave disorganized and much less resistant to infection.

The function of immune cells is innate. They respond immediately to infection and do not require training or the production of special antibodies. However, the researchers found that these cells require signals from brain neurotransmitters to direct them to the site of infection and prompt them to initiate a response.

Responsible for the interaction of the brain with the immune system is the brain’s default mode network (DMN). During the switching of a person's consciousness to mental inaction or withdrawal from reality into oneself, the brain switches to a passive mode of functioning.

And then, by controlling the immune system, the “dark” energy of the brain begins to operate. Here are how the authors of this discovery describe it by scientists at the American University of Washington:

“Our group, and others, became curious about what was happening when someone was simply resting and just letting the mind wander. This interest arose from a set of hints from various studies that suggested the extent of this behind-the-scenes activity.

One clue came from mere visual inspections of the images. The pictures showed that areas in many regions of the brain were quite busy in both the test and the control conditions. In part because of this shared background "noise," differentiating a task from the control state by looking at the separate raw images is difficult if not impossible and can be achieved only by applying sophisticated computerized image analysis.

Further analyses indicated that performing a particular task increases the brain's energy consumption by less than 5 percent of the underlying baseline activity. A large fraction of the overall activity-from 60 to 80 percent of all energy used by the brain-occurs in circuits unrelated to any external event.

With a nod to our astronomer colleagues, our group came to call this intrinsic activity the brain's dark energy, a reference to the unseen energy that also represents the mass of most of the universe”.

In turn, I would call this dark energy of the brain also the primary energy of the brain.

In science, primary energy is a form of energy in nature that has not been subjected to a process of artificial transformation. Primary energy can be obtained from non-renewable or renewable energy sources.

The primary (dark) energy of the brain is a kind of on and off switch for the immune response to the actions of the coronavirus in the body.

If this brain energy is sufficient, the immune system has enough power to cope with the destructive activities of the coronavirus. If, for any reason, this brain energy is not activated, the immune system is disorganized and suppressed by the virus.

The cytokine storm is also a consequence of the disorganization of the immune system due to the interruption of the connection of the primary (dark) energy of the brain with the immune system. This happens when a person is unable to immerse his brain in a passive mode, as a result of stress and an irresistible desire to find a way out of the critical situation created for him.

How to activate the primary (dark) energy of the brain to fight the coronavirus and its consequences?

There are various psychosomatic methods of entering the brain’s default mode network, which is the host of the primary (dark) energy of the brain. For example, this technique is evidenced by the states of "flow", "wu wei", "letting go", trance, prostration, recognition, "defocused consciousness - defocus", well-known to a wide range of people.

As if first letting go of all problems and starting to feel the flow that carries you. If a person is strongly immersed in a state of fear of death from covid, his will is suppressed, and he is not able to independently enter the passive mode of the brain. He needs a mentor who will massage (acupressure) the passive brain zones of the scalp. And it will help him to feel and visualize the power of the dark energy of the brain, in terms of the effect on the body many times greater than the force of destruction of the virus.

From meditation, only transcendental meditation works, because other types of meditation involve concentration, focus, which put the brain into an active mode of work.

The most important thing is defocus.

Unfortunately, all of these techniques have limited effect due to the impossibility of using them for the longest time necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect.

In the Clinic of Integrative Medicine of the European Center of the UN University for Peace, the psychosomatic method of prevention, concomitant treatment and rehabilitation of Covid-19 is successfully used. It is called the activation of the primary (dark) energy of the brain by sensory visualization of the passive mode of the brain.

This is achieved with the help of transcranial reflexology, in other words, acupressure of certain parts of the head associated with the system of the passive mode of the brain.

The main points are the amygdala (lat. Corpus amygdaloideum), the amygdala is an almond-shaped area of ​​the brain located in the white matter of the temporal lobe of the hemisphere under the shell, approximately 1.5–2.0 cm behind the temporal pole. The brain has two amygdala - one in each hemisphere. Influence on the head area (massage, acupressure, electrical stimulation) on these two points at the same time, as well as on the head region of the parietal lobe of the brain with a simultaneous setting to distribute attention.

This achieves defocus.

In a broad sense, defocus is a relaxed state of the brain, in which it stays in anticipation of action, writes researcher Srini Pillay, MD. Distracted attention reduces the activity of the amygdala and induces a state of rest. The anterior prefrontal cortex is activated, and innovative ideas emerge.

In fact, defocus helps to “not interfere with oneself,” which is illustrated by the example of the violinist. Burnout is prevented, long-term memory is improved, and it is easier to retrieve memories of the corresponding experience.

Defocus is difficult, but the applied acupressure on the points of the zones responsible for the passive mode of the brain's work helps to quickly reach it.

The technique works only if it is constantly applied, preferably during the entire waking time. That is, almost 24/7.

How to do it? Or with an instructor at retreats, until the passive mode becomes reflexive and automatically works constantly. This can take from three to 7 days, depending on the psychological state of the person. Or online sessions every day for an hour a day in combination with independent training several times a day.

Over time, acupressure is replaced by sensory visualization of acupressure. The point is that the brain does not distinguish between a physical effect and a powerful mental representation of such an effect. For example, if you show a lemon to a playing orchestra, the musicians will not be able to play, since the brain will give the command to feel the acid in the mouth. Or an example of hypnosis, when, when a fire is suggested, burns appear on the suggested person's body.

After a sufficient number of sessions of physical acupressure of the head areas associated with the passive system of the brain, a stable skill / reflex of dark energy activation is developed. And now you can use sensory visualization of acupressure instead of physically affecting these areas of the head.

Sensory visualization of acupressure is the most vivid imagination of your actions, while simultaneously feeling the physical reactions of the points that you act on mentally.

The ultimate goal is sensory visualization of the passive mode of the brain.

Each person has their own feelings of this process. Some feel a complete emptiness in their own consciousness, others feel the flow that carries, and a person surrenders to him completely and simply watches what is happening, others feel a stupor, a light trance, others feel a powerful global energy, which is the basis of everything and a part of which the person himself is.

At the same time, you should not set yourself any tasks and not solve any issues. Just feel and watch. Or just be in complete emptiness and be a part of it.

Most of all, this state is similar to quantum recoherence.

Recoherence (a term of quantum physics) - exit from observations (from awareness, i.e. from a mixed state of consciousness) - entry into a state of superposition - into a pure state of consciousness.

Recoherence - dissolution "of macroscopic bodies. The question of the essence of recoherence is associated with the “dissolution” of matter and its transformation into pure quantum information.

And recovery is like quantum decoherence.

Recoherence is the process of separating pure quantum states from mixed ones, that is, returning the observed system to a state of superposition. Specifically, in Buddhism, the process of re-coherence is called meditation. For Castaneda, re-coherence is called "stopping the world." The purpose of these practices is to end the internal thought dialogue. Indeed, if there is no work of consciousness (that is, continuous decoherence), then the intact quantum world does not go into any mixed state but remains as it is.

Well, then, after returning to superposition, consciousness gets the opportunity to reassemble the world - decohere it. Only this time, choose a different manifestation. Thus, the consciousness of spiritually (energetically) developed people is able to independently influence their future reality. In a particular case, with the help of skillful management of the processes of decoherence and recoherence, you can attract the necessary events into your life. In the language of physics - to be aware of those projections of the Everett worlds in which the necessary events are present.

Dark energy (primary) activation retreats can be conducted in the office or online. But there must be an instructor who knows this technique. Because it is impossible to learn it yourself. Just as a small child cannot learn to read and write on his own without an adult teacher.

Quantum physics says that matter does not exist at all. Einstein himself spoke about this: "Everything consists of emptiness, and form is a condensed emptiness." Simply put, everything that surrounds us is just different forms of the same emptiness. This is to some extent consonant with the philosophical ideas that everything that surrounds us is a manifestation of God in one form or another. And we can say that this emptiness, the original pure consciousness, is God.

I really like the words of Mikhail Som, which I would like to apply to this article: “We always, of course, remember that each case is unique, and psychotherapy is a craft and a creative business, not a methodology. But this does not mean that you do not need to know the methodology."

Good luck in survival!

Victor Fersht, PhD, Professor

Director of the International Center for Integrative Medicine of the European Center of the UN University for Peace

Belgrade, Serbia

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